Dead Baby Mommy/Daddy : Mommy or Daddy of a dead baby of any form (miscarriage, stillbirth, infant death, etc.)
DBM/DBD: Dead Baby Mommy / Dead baby Daddy
Phoenix Baby/Rainbow Baby: Subsequent pregnancy/baby following the loss of a previous pregnancy/baby.
Someone who "gets it": Those people who have experienced baby loss in some form.
IRL: In Real Life
DH/DD/DS: Dear Husband/Daughter/Son etc.
MIL/FIL/SIL/BIL: Mother-in-law, etc.
Stillborn: A child born dead, usually after 20 weeks gestation (or if you "delivered" at any stage).
Chemical Pregnancy: When the hormones are present and you're "pregnant" but no "baby" can be detected.
Induced: When labor is forced into starting using medical means.
Baby loss: Same as dead baby.
Blogosphere/Blogland: The eCommunity of blogs.
IVF: Invetro Fertilization
The Club: The Club you belong to if you have a dead baby.
Angelversary: The anniversary of a child's death who was born alive.
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